Sunrise (2014 film)

Sunrise is a dramatic film written and directed by Partho Sen-Gupta, released in 2014. Set in Mumbai, it tells the story of a grieving father searching for his daughter Aruna, kidnapped years ago. The main role is played by Adil Hussain accompanied by Tannishtha Chatterjee, Komal Gupta, Esha Amlani and veteran actress Ashalata Wabgaonkar.
Sunrise, an Indo-French co-production, was screened at numerous international festivals and received several international awards.


Inspector Joshi is a grieving father searching for his daughter Aruna, kidnapped years ago at the age of six. In his despair, life converges with a recurring dream in which Joshi pursues a shadowy figure who leads him to 'Paradise', a night-club where teenage girls dance to a leering crowd. He is convinced he will find Aruna there and vows to bring her back to Leela, his broken wife.


During the years 2014 and 2015, Sunrise was screened at numerous international festivals and competed at awards ceremonies.


Sunrise was released in limited arthouses cinemas in Germany by Rapid Eye Movies, in France by Eurozoom and in the U.S by Breaking Glass Pictures. It was then released on SVOD on Netflix worldwide. It is also available on Kanopy. In August 2018, it was released on the German Indie Film VOD platform Realeyz and is available in Germany, Austria and Portugal.