Sultan Syarif Kasim II State Islamic University

Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University in Riau is a public university in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia. It was established on January 4, 2005. Before 2005, its name wes IAIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau and changed by Religion Ministry of Indonesia's Decree No.8 of 2005. Its current rector is Prof. Dr. H. Munzir Hitami, M.A.


State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau has 9 faculties:
  1. Faculty of Syari’ah and Law
  2. Faculty of Ushuluddin
  3. Faculty of Dakwah dan Communication
  4. Faculty of Science and Technology
  5. Faculty of Psychology
  6. Faculty of Economy and Social
  7. Faculty of Agriculture and Farms
  8. Masters and Doctoral Programs