Studio Dumbar

Studio Dumbar is a highly influential Dutch graphic design agency with a long heritage. Its work has helped shape, not only Dutch, but international design for over four decades.


Studio Dumbar was founded by Gert Dumbar in 1977, in the Hague. In 2003, the studio moved to Rotterdam, as Michel de Boer took over the creative direction, after Gert Dumbar’s retirement. In 2011 Liza Enebeis became the studio’s third creative director. The studio is also lead by Tom Dorresteijn, Strategy Director since 2005, and Wouter Dirks, Operations Director since 2016. In 2016 the studio became part of Dept, a digital agency with over 1,100 specialists in 9 countries.

Philosophy and influence

Studio Dumbar describes itself as “an international branding agency specialised in visual identity and communication design” meaning that it creates every visible expression of a brand or organisation — offline and online. Its international scope is reflected in its team, with an average of seven nationalities in Rotterdam.
Fragmented, sometimes complex to the edge of chaos, and layered with complex typography, many Dumbar projects in the early 1980s caused consternation among advocates of a more ordered aesthetic. But by the late 1980s many European designers were mimicking Studio Dumbar’s approach, causing Gert Dumbar to place a moratorium on these techniques within his firm.

Projects and clientele

The studio has a comprehensive range of clients, designing everything from experimental graphics for cultural clients to corporate identity programs and literature. Its portfolio is diverse, encompassing work for a variety of clients both large and small — from business and government to cultural and non–profit.
Among the client list one can spot , , , , , , and .


The company has won an astounding number of awards. On D&AD’s all-time list, Studio Dumbar is the third most awarded design outfit, beaten only by Apple and Pentagram.
Some of its most important accolades include: