
A strongwoman is a woman who performs feats of strength in a show or circus, or a woman who competes in strength athletics. Traditionally, strongwomen have had a special appeal, as women involved in demonstrated feats of strength were exceptions.

Traditional strongwomen

Traditionally, strongwomen were featured as performers in a circus, or in vaudeville, music halls, or other venues, and engaged in feats of strength such as barbell lifting and human juggling.
Some famous traditional strongwomen include:
In recent years, the term strongwoman has come to refer to the women who compete in events such as the annual World's Strongest Woman competitions, sanctioned by the International Federation of Strength Athletes, and televised nationally on ESPN. Strongwomen compete in the sport of Strongman and the sport has become some popular with female strength athletes over the past decade that there are several state and nationally sanctioned competitions that prepare amateur female athletes for national competitions that allow for the opportunity to compete as professionals. In March 2017, the annual Arnold Classic hosted its first professional female strongman competition. In these contests, the participants compete in the same types of events that can be found in a Strongman competition. Such events include, but are not limited to:
Some notable modern strongwomen include:
Women who compete in Strongman must be well versed in the styles and techniques that are demonstrated in both powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting as the types of lifts that are performed in both sports are fundamental in strength sports and carry over into the techniques that have been developed for the events that make up a Strongman competition. In addition to developing the proper technique for the foundation lifts, strongwomen must also develop endurance through cardiovascular conditioning training. Being able to adapt to implements is important as the technique used for the different implements are nuanced and are not readily available at commercial gyms.


This is a list of Strongwoman Competitions. Some also include men.