
Stoneking is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Origins of the Stoneking Surname. Please be aware that it is possible for people with the Stoneking last name to have come from different countries. Discovering the country from which your Stoneking ancestors originated is the best way to find clues for the meaning of this surname. This can be done on any Ancestry or genealogies website like . Genealogy sites often let you find names based on a particular locale such as on The name Stoneking could come from the English clan from Cornwall, England, and thus be of English origins. Or, the Stoneking name in the U.S. could have come from Germany. In Germany, the name is Steinkonig which is Stoneking in English. Many times, people coming from other countries like Germany, "Americanized" their names after coming to America by literally translating them.