Stegodyphus sarasinorum

Stegodyphus sarasinorum, also known as the Indian cooperative spider, is a species of spider of the family Eresidae. It is native to India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar. This spider is a social spider that exhibits communal predation and feeding, where individuals live in large cooperatively built colonies with a nest or retreat constructed of silk woven using leaves, twigs, and food carcasses, and a sheet web for prey capture.
It is found that individual S. sarasinorum spiders that had attacked prey once were more likely to attack prey again, independent of their body size or hunger level.
The spider moults 12 times to gain adulthood. Female feeds instar at the second stage by regurgitation and by providing them with captured prey, where in final instars, mother female devoted her life for the babies to use her body fluids and then dies.