Stefan Rinke
Stefan Rinke is a German historian and specialist in Latin American history. Since 2005 he has been Professor at the Institute of Latin American Studies and at the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut at Freie Universität Berlin.
After graduating from the Gymnasium Julianum in Helmstedt in 1984, Stefan Rinke studied History and American Studies in Bamberg and Bowling Green from 1985 to 1990. He completed his studies in 1989 with a Master of Arts in Bowling Green and in 1990 with a diploma in history in Bamberg. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung supported him with a doctoral scholarship from 1991 to 1993. In 1995 he received his doctorate at the Catholic University of Eichstätt with a thesis on German-Latin American relations during the Weimar Republic from a transnational perspective. His advisor was :de:Hans-Joachim König|Hans-Joachim König. The work appeared in 1996 as the first volume in the series Historamericana, which was founded by König and Rinke.From 1996 to 1998, the German Research Foundation granted him a postdoctoral fellowship. During this time he spent research periods in Santiago de Chile and Washington D.C., among other places. In September 1998 he was appointed Visiting Assistant Professor for the Comparative History of the Americas and Europe at Tufts University, where he taught until 1999.
In the same year, Stefan Rinke took up a position as Assistant Professor in Eichstätt. In 2003, he completed his ‘Habilitation’ with a study on North Americanization and socio-cultural change in Chile. In 2005, he was appointed Professor of Latin American History at Freie Universität Berlin. From 2007 to 2009 and from 2017 to 2019 he was chairman of the Institute of Latin American Studies.
Research focus
Stefan Rinke explores the history of Latin America primarily from a transregional and global historical perspective. His research focuses on cultural globalization and North Americanization, popular culture, revolutions, memory and historical consciousness, history of knowledge, trans-American relations, temporality and future. They cover the period from colonial times, the independence period, the 19th century, the 20th century to contemporary history.International activities
Stefan Rinke has been Visiting Professor and Research Fellow at leading international universities, including El Colegio de México and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.From 2009 to 2018, he was spokesperson of the first German-Latin American Research Training Group, a cooperation with Mexican partners dedicated to interdisciplinary research on globalization in history and the present. In the Collaborative Research Center 700 "Governance in Spaces of Limited Statehood" he served as co-spokesperson from 2010 to 2017.
In 2014 he organized the European Congress of Historians of Latin America at Freie Universität and was president of the :de:Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos|Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos from 2014 to 2017.
Since 2019, Stefan Rinke has been the spokesperson of the International Research Training Group "Temporalities of Future in Latin America: Dynamics of Aspiration and Anticipation," a German-Mexican cooperation dedicated to researching temporalities of the future within the humanities and social sciences. In 2019, the German Foreign Office approved his oral history project on Colonia Dignidad in Chile.
Rinke has successfully nominated the historians Hilda Sabato, Irina Podgorny, Raanan Rein and Max Paul Friedman for Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Awards.
He has supervised numerous doctorates. Several of the doctoral theses have received awards. Rinke's students hold professorships in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Switzerland. In addition, he has acted as supervisor to a successfully completed habilitation as well as to numerous projects by postdocs from Germany and abroad.
Rinke is a member of the advisory board of the German Historical Institute Washington D.C. and Berkeley, the Centro Maria Sibylla Merian de Estudios Avanzados in Guadalajara, Mexico, and the :de:Einstein Stiftung Berlin|Einstein Foundation Berlin. He is also a member of the editorial board of international scientific journals. He regularly reviews for academic publishers, journals and scientific organizations on three continents.
Awards and honors
In 2003, Stefan Rinke was awarded the Eichstätter Universitätsgesellschaft Prize for his habilitation thesis. For the period from 2013 to 2015 he received a Research Fellowship from the :de:Einstein Stiftung Berlin|Einstein Foundation Berlin. In 2017 he was awarded the Premio Alzate of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología for his complete works. In the following year the Universidad Nacional de San Martín in Buenos Aires awarded him an honorary doctorate. In 2019, the Dahlem Research School presented him with the Award for Excellent Doctoral Supervision. The Academia Mexicana de la Historia and the Ecuadorian Academia Nacional de Historia appointed Rinke a corresponding member.Authored works
- Conquistadoren und Azteken: Cortés und die Eroberung Mexikos.. ..
- Historia de Latinoamérica: desde las primeras culturas hasta el presente, Jornadas 167.
- Lateinamerika.. ..
- Im Sog der Katastrophe: Lateinamerika und der Erste Weltkrieg. English translation: Latin America and the First World War.. Spanish translation: América Latina y la primera Guerra Mundial. Una historia global..
- Kolumbus und der Tag von Guanahani 1492: Ein Wendepunkt der Geschichte ..
- together with Frederik Schulze: Kleine Geschichte Brasiliens ..
- Lateinamerika und die USA: Eine Geschichte zwischen Räumen – von der Kolonialzeit bis heute, Geschichte Kompakt ..
- Revolutionen in Lateinamerika: Wege in die Unabhängigkeit, 1760-1830 1830 .. Spanish translation: Las revoluciones en América Latina: Las vías a la independencia, 1760-1830 .
- Geschichte Lateinamerikas: Von den frühesten Kulturen bis zur Gegenwart. Beck-Wissen ,. Portuguese translation: História de América Latina: Das Culturas Pre-Colombianas até o Presente,.
- Kleine Geschichte Chiles ,.
- Begegnungen mit dem Yankee: Nordamerikanisierung und soziokultureller Wandel in Chile, 1898-1990 , Lateinamerikanische Forschungen 32.. Spanish translation: Encuentros con el yanqui: norteamericanización y cambio sociocultural en Chile 1898-1990..
- Cultura de masas, reforma y nacionalismo en Chile, 1910-1931 ,.
- "Der letzte freie Kontinent": Deutsche Lateinamerikapolitik im Zeichen transnationaler Beziehungen, 1918-1933, ,.
- Zwischen Weltpolitik und Monroe Doktrin: Botschafter Speck von Sternburg und die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen, 1898-1908 ..
Edited works
- with Nikolaus Böttcher and Nino Vallen, Distributive Struggle and the Self in the Early Modern World.
- with :de:Michael Wildt|Michael Wildt, Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions: 1917 and its Aftermath from a Global Perspective.
- with Carlos Riojas, Historia global: perspectivas y tensiones.
- with Raanan Rein and Nadia Zysman, The New Ethnic Studies in Latin America.
- with Mónika Contreras Saiz and Tajana Louis, Memoria y conflicto - memorias en conflicto: intercambios metódicos y teóricos de experiencias locales latinoamericanas .
- with Ingrid Kummels, Claudia Rauhut and Birte Timm, Transatlantic Caribbean: Dialogues of People, Practice, Ideas.
- with :de:Delia González de Reufels|Delia González de Reufels, Expert Knowledge in Latin American History: Local, Transnational, and Global Perspectives.
- with Mónika Contreras Saiz and Lasse Hölck, Gobernanza y seguridad: la conquista republicana de las fronteras latinoamericanas en el siglo XIX.
- with Diego Armus : Del football al fútbol/futebol: Historias argentinas, brasileras y uruguayas en el siglo XX.
- with Kay Schiller : The FIFA World Cup 1930-2010: Politics, Commerce, Spectacle and Identities.
- with Carlos Alba and :de:Marianne Braig|Marianne Braig, Latin America and Asia – Relations in the context of Globalization from Colonial Times to the Present. América Latina y Asia – relaciones en el context de la globalización de la época colonia hasta el presente.
- with Christina Peters : Global Play: Football Between Region, Nation, and the World in Latin American, African, and European History.
- with Georg Fischer, Christina Peters, Frederik Schulze : Brasilien in der Welt: Region, Nation und Globalisierung, 1870-1945.
- with Carlos Alba, :de:Marianne Braig|Marianne Braig and Guillermo Zermeño : Entre Espacios: Movimientos, actores y representaciones de la globalización.
- with Hans-Peter Hinz and Frederik Schulze : Bicentenario: 200 Jahre Unabhängigkeit in Lateinamerika. Geschichte zwischen Erinnerung und Zukunft.
- with Inga Luther, Nina Elsemann and Franka Bindernagel : Erinnerung schreibt Geschichte: Lateinamerika und Europa im Kontext transnationaler Verflechtungen..
- together with Helmut Bley, :de:Hans-Joachim König|Hans-Joachim König and Kirsten Rüther, ed. of the dimension Global Interaction, Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit , 16 vols...
- together with :de:Hans-Joachim König|Hans-Joachim König editor of the book series HISTORAMERICANA.
- together with Jörg Baberowski and :de:Michael Wildt|Michael Wildt editor of the book series Eigene und Fremde Welten
- Co-editor of the book series Inter-American Perspectives.
- Co-editor of the book series War Hi)Stories.
- Co-editor of Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, ISSN 1850-2563.
- Co-editor of Geschichte und Gesellschaft, ISSN 2196-9000.
- Co-editor of Historia. ISSN 0717-7194.
- Co-editor of Iberoamericana: América Latina, España, Portugal. ISSN 1577-3388.