Star Wars Tales Volume 3

Star Wars Tales Volume 3 is the third Star Wars Tales trade paperback, collecting issues 9-12.

Star Wars Tales 9


''Lil’ Maul in: Hate Leads to Lollipops''

''The Rebel Four''

Star Wars Tales 10




Darth Sidious questions his apprentice Darth Maul to explain the story behind his new double-bladed lightsaber. Maul was ordered to the Jentares system by Sidious to kill the Jedi master Siolo Ur Manka. But Manka easily defeated Maul's surprise attack, using only a wooden staff. Having fled, Maul regrouped and constructs his new weapon. In the next fight Maul surprises Manka, stabbing him through the back with the second blade. Sidious encourages Maul to name the weapon. However, Maul does not want it to become anything more than an anonymous instrument of murder.

''A Wookiee Scorned''

''Free Memory''

Star Wars Tales 11


''In the Beginning''

''The Princess Leia Diaries''

''Tall Tales''


Star Wars Tales 12

''A Day in the Life''

''A Jedi's Weapon''

''The Revenge of Tag and Bink''

''Once Bitten''

''The Duty''