Star Wars (Main Title)

"Star Wars " is a musical theme composed and conducted by John Williams. It is the main musical theme of Star Wars and is also considered the primary leitmotif for Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy. The original 1977 recording was performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. The track became a hit in the United States and Canada during the fall of that year. The composition draws influence from Erich Wolfgang Korngold's score for the 1942 film “Kings Row".
The B side featured the original movie score of Cantina Band.
"Star Wars " was the lesser of two hits featuring music from Star Wars. Meco's disco version of "Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band" reached number one concurrently with the chart run of Williams' original movie score version.


Weekly charts

Year-end charts

Patrick Gleeson cover

The Star Wars main title theme was covered by Patrick Gleeson a month after the release of the London Symphony Orchestra performance. His version was released in France.