Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game
Star Wars: X-Wing is a miniature war game designed by Jay Little and produced by Fantasy Flight Games that was released at Gen Con in 2012. It features tactical ship-to-ship dogfighting between various types of starfighters set in the fictional Star Wars universe. The game is said to be easy to learn and quick to play taking anywhere between 15 and 60 minutes from first set-up to battle's end. Each round both players give all their ships movement orders without knowing what their opponent is doing before resolving these orders while trying to shoot down enemy craft. On May 1, 2018 FFG announced, to be released on September 13, 2018. Although the physical models are transferable, an entire new set of rules, templates, and markers have been produced and are available through a new core set, waves, and conversion packs.
Game description from the publisher
"X-Wing is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game in which players take control of powerful Rebel X-wing fighters and nimble Imperial TIE fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates exciting Star Wars space combat throughout its several included scenarios. Select your crew, plan your maneuvers, and complete your mission!The X-Wing starter set includes everything you need to begin your battles, such as scenarios, cards, and fully assembled and painted ships. What's more, X-Wing quick-to-learn ruleset establishes the foundation for a system that can be expanded with your favorite ships and characters from the Star Wars universe."
First Edition Core game
The core set, which is required to play the game, includes one X-wing fighter miniature and two TIE fighter miniatures. The original core set uses X-wing and TIE fighter miniatures and pilots based on the original trilogy. A second edition of the core set with updated rules was released in 2015 as part of the promotion for , featuring updated X-wing and TIE fighter miniatures and pilots from that movie. The Force Awakens Core Set also introduces sub-factions: The Resistance, a sub-faction of the Rebels and compatible with any Rebel ships, and the First Order, a sub-faction of the Imperials.Rebel Pilot cards | Imperial Pilot cards | Upgrade cards: |
•Luke Skywalker | •"Mauler Mithel" | Proton Torpedoes |
•Biggs Darklighter | •"Dark Curse" | •R2-D2 |
Red Squadron Pilot | •"Night Beast" | •R2-F2 |
Rookie Pilot | Black Squadron Pilot | Determination |
Obsidian Squadron Pilot | Marksmanship | |
Academy Pilot |
Rebel Pilot cards | Imperial Pilot cards | Upgrade cards: |
•Poe Dameron | •"Omega Ace" | Proton Torpedoes |
•"Blue Ace" | •"Epsilon Leader" | •BB-8 |
Red Squadron Veteran | •"Zeta Ace" | •R5-X3 |
Blue Squadron Novice | Omega Squadron Pilot | Wired |
Zeta Squadron Pilot | Weapons Guidance | |
Epsilon Pilot |
First Edition Expansions
Wave 1
Released Date: September 14, 2012X-Wing Expansion Pack
TIE Fighter Expansion Pack
Y-Wing Expansion Pack
TIE Advanced Expansion Pack
Wave 2
Release date: March 1, 2013''Millennium Falcon'' Expansion Pack
''Slave I'' Expansion Pack
A-Wing Expansion Pack
TIE Interceptor Expansion Pack
Wave 3
Release date: September 13, 2013B-Wing Expansion Pack
TIE Bomber Expansion Pack
HWK-290 Expansion Pack
Lambda-class Shuttle Expansion Pack
Wave 4
Released Date: June 26, 2014Z-95 Headhunter Expansion Pack
E-wing Expansion Pack
TIE Defender Expansion Pack
TIE Phantom Expansion Pack
Wave 5
Released Date: November 26, 2014YT-2400 Freighter Expansion Pack
VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack
Wave 6
Released Date: February 26, 2015Most Wanted Expansion Pack
StarViper Expansion Pack
M3-A Scyk Interceptor Expansion Pack
IG-2000 Expansion Pack
Wave 7
Released Date: August 25, 2015YV-666 Light Freighter (Hound's Tooth) Expansion Pack
Kihraxz Expansion Pack
K-Wing Expansion Pack
TIE Punisher Expansion Pack
Wave 8
Release date: March 17, 2016T-70 X-Wing Expansion Pack
TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack
VCX-100 (Ghost) Expansion Pack
TIE Advanced Prototype (Inquisitor's TIE) Expansion Pack
G-1A Starfighter (Mist Hunter) Expansion Pack
JumpMaster 5000 (Punishing One) Expansion Pack
Wave 9
Release date: September 23, 2016ARC-170 Expansion Pack
Special Forces TIE Expansion Pack
Protectorate Starfighter Expansion Pack
Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft (Shadow Caster) Expansion Pack
Wave 10
Release date: February 2, 2017Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack
Upsilon-Class Shuttle Expansion Pack
Quadjumper Expansion Pack
U-Wing Expansion Pack
Release Date: December 15, 2016TIE Striker Expansion Pack
Release Date: December 15, 2016Wave 11
Release Date: July 13, 2017TIE Aggressor Expansion Pack
Auzituck Gunship Expansion Pack
Scurrg H-6 Bomber Expansion Pack
Wave 12
Released Date: December 8, 2017Alpha-class Star Wing
Phantom II
M12-L Kimogila Fighter
Wave 13
TIE Silencer
Resistance Bomber
Wave 14
TIE Reaper
Saw's Renegades
Other Expansions
Imperial Aces
Release date: March 14, 2014Rebel Aces
Release date: September 25, 2014Imperial Veterans
Release date: June 30, 2016Heroes of the Resistance Expansion Pack
Release date: October 26, 2016Guns for Hire Expansion Pack
GR75 Transport Expansion Pack
Release date: April 30, 2014CR90 Corvette">Tantive IV">CR90 Corvette Expansion Pack
Release date: May 22, 2014Imperial Raider Expansion Pack
Release date: August 13, 2015Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack
Release date: December 23, 2015C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack
Release date: Q1 2017Supplies/Accessories
- X-Wing: Dice Pack
- Star Wars Dice for iOS and Android - Dice rolling app
- X-Wing: Death Star Assault Playmat
- X-Wing: Starfield Playmat
- X-Wing: Death Star II Playmat
- X-Wing: Bespin Playmat
- X-Wing: Starkiller Base Playmat
- X-Wing: Battle of Hoth Playmat