Star (glyph)

In typography, a star is any of several glyphs with a number of points arrayed within an imaginary circle.

Three points

NameCharacterCode point
Latin capital letter YYU+0059
N'Ko script ߷

Four points

Five points

NameCharacterCode point
star equalsU+225B
star operatorU+22C6
APL functional symbol circle starU+235F
APL functional symbol star diaeresisU+2363
black starU+2605
white starU+2606
star and crescentU+262A
outlined white starU+269D
right-handed interlaced pentagramU+26E5
left-handed interlaced pentagramU+26E6
inverted pentagramU+26E7
stress outlined white starU+2729
circled white starU+272A
open center black starU+272B
black center white starU+272C
outlined black starU+272D
heavy outlined black starU+272E
pinwheel starU+272F
shadowed white starU+2730
white medium starU+2B50
black small starU+2B51
white small starU+2B52
glowing star?U+1F31F
shooting star?U+1F320
Bamum script ngkeuri?U+16910
low asteriskU+204E
full width asteriskU+FF0A

Six points

Seven points

Nine points

Thirteen points

Multiple stars