St. Felix is a village in South Tyrol and is together with Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde one of the two fractions of the municipality Unsere liebe Frau im Walde-St. Felix. The village is situated 1265 meters above sea level on Nonsberg and covers an area of 1480 hectares. St. Felix is located directly on the border to the Italian-speaking province of Trentino. Its inhabitants are native German speakers and for this reason, the area is called Deutschnonsberg. The main attractions of this remote village include the Felixer Weiher.
Until the 19th century, St. Felix was called Caseid. It was first mentioned in 1233 in connection with Vitus de Vasio. Today's name derives from the small church inthe town that was built in honor of Saint Felix of Nola. St. Felix became independent when it split from Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde in 1864. In 1928, St. Felix was united with Fondo and became as consequence part of the Province of Trient. It became independent again in 1947. In 1948, when the first autonomy statute for the region Trentino-Südtirol came into force, St. Felix became part of the Province of South Tyrol. Until then, the provincial border was the Gampen Pass. Afterwards, the border was moved south of St. Felix. The two neighboring municipalities of St. Felix and Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde were merged in 1974. In terms of juridically, St. Felix belonged to the district court of Fondo until 1964. In 1970, it fell under the authority of the district court of Meran. Originally, St. Felix belonged to the parish of Fondo. In 1693, the provost of the monastery Gries assigned the burial place St. Christoph and its church to the Caseidians. The church of St. Christoph is situated between St. Felix and Unsere Liebe Frau im Walde and was built around 1500 on the sight of a much earlier church. The first building dates back to 1476. From 1723 to 1824, it was parochially part of the parish of Fondo and had its own curate. The parish church dedicated to the Saint Felix was built in 1742. The church tower was completed in 1758. In 1902 the church was renovated. The town's saint's day, called the Felixentag is celebrated on the last Sunday of August.