
Sprekelia is a genus of Mesoamerican plants in the Amaryllis family, subfamily Amaryllidoideae. Sprekelia plants are sometimes called Aztec lilies or Jacobean lilies although they are not true lilies.


This genus is named after Johann Heinrich von Spreckelsen, who supplied the plants to Lorenz Heister.
Sprekelia is located in tribe Hippeastreae, subtribe Hippeastrinae.


;Accepted species
;formerly included
The following two names were coined using the name Sprekelia, but they refer to species are now generally regarded as better suited to Hippeastrum.
Sprekelia formosissima is common in cultivation, planted in warm climates or raised in pots in colder climates, or planted and lifted, much as the gladiolus. Even when well grown, bulbs often do not bloom every year.

Gallery of ''Sprekelia formosissima''