Spicy City

Spicy City is an animated television series which was created by Ralph Bakshi for HBO. The series lasted for one season in 1997, which consists of six episodes.


The plot was described as a science fiction anthology series set in a futuristic city with a seamy side. Each episode is introduced by Raven, a nightclub hostess who also makes brief appearances in the tales.


Discussions involving a series based upon Trey Parker and Matt Stone's video Christmas card Jesus vs. Santa led HBO to contact Ralph Bakshi in order to produce the first animated series targeted specifically toward adults. Bakshi enlisted a team of writers, including his son Preston, to develop Spicy Detective, later renamed Spicy City.


The series premiered on 11 July 1997, beating South Park to television by over a month and becoming the first "adults only" cartoon series.
Although critical reaction was mixed and largely unfavorable, Spicy City received acceptable ratings. The Los Angeles Times called the series "Adolescent Humor for Adults" The Dallas Morning News said the series "exploits the female form".
A second season was approved, but the network wanted to fire Bakshi's writing team and hire professional Los Angeles screenwriters. When Bakshi refused to cooperate with the network, the series was cancelled.
