Speak Social

Speak Social is a new media marketing company based in Austin, Texas that focuses on social media management, brand strategy, search engine optimization, analytics and monitoring, web design, community management, reputation management, content marketing, augmented reality, and interactive design.


Speak Social was founded in November 2010 when Brad Bogus, now president of Speak Social, partnered with Adam Price, a former SEO expert with HostYouOnline.com, to integrate the concept of video sharing with content marketing utilizing SEO practices to form a social media marketing startup company.
The company now has an office in North Austin. Campaigns include professionally written content, custom-designed pages for various social channels, video and audio content, photo and link sharing, daily engagement with customers, mobile pages and promotional strategies.


Speak Social's clients currently include, or have included the following: City of Austin, Athletic DNA, Roll on Sushi Diner, Cuvee Coffee, Molotov Bar, Houston Hyundai, Gravity First Mattress, Adalia Rose, Boomerang's Meat Pie, and Swivel Pole.

In media

Brad Bogus and Adam Price have routinely appeared in print and on local Austin news channels, radio stations, panels and podcasts as experts in social media. They’ve appeared on KVUE, FOX 7, KXAN and KJCE.
In 2013, Bogus spoke at GoodxGlobal, an interactive event that promotes social activism via social media and technology, at SXSW. Bogus briefed event-goers of Austin's social good efforts and the efforts of Austin's Social Good Summit, which promoted Austin's first-ever Work-From-Home Day; a day that encouraged employers to let their employees work from home in an effort to decrease carbon emissions.