Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro, also known just as SoraMizu, is a Japanese erogevisual novel game, originally released by Ciel on 25 June 2004, which was adapted into an adultanime, released as an OVA and produced by Himajin, its first episode being published on 28 July 2006, and second episode on 27 June 2008.
The story revolves around two high school girls. Asa Mizushima is a transfer student who soon joins the swim club to get her mind off her parents' divorce. She is confronted by Hajime Saisho, a cockyhigh school student. He persuades Asa through photography to capture her beauty, which she takes a liking to, but not at first. Asa is soon taken in by Hajime and intercourse ensues. Natsume Sorayama, the second girl, who appears younger than the other two characters, takes interest in gardening. She overhears Asa and the teasing Hajime in conversation while she is hidden in a sunflower garden. While they engage in sexual activity once again, Natsume takes part by her own free will. As the two girls discuss their relationship with Hajime at a hot springs, Natsume claims that her love interest in Hajime has lasted for some time, before Asa's arrival. They settle this somewhat small rivalry gently by agreeing to "share" him before the Summer's end. During all this, Asa experiences discomfort and shame in her guilty pleasures, while at the same time giving into them. The first episode jumps from current scenes to flashbacks leading up to their agreement, while the second dwells on the girls' sexual relationship, which is all but affectionate, up until the Summer's end. At the end of the episode, several years pass since then and the girls end up meeting at the same train station to see Hajime once again. The story of the original visual novel includes one more character which is omitted in the OVA: Jūzō Unno, who is a friend of Hajime and who also attends the swim club. Like Hajime, he develops feelings for one of the girls and this is explored in the various game paths.
The OVA adaptation of Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro, is being scheduled for release across DVD on 2 episodes, each spanning about 30 minutes. Produced by Himajin, the character designer and chief animation director for the series was Kazuya Kuroda, while the first episode was supervised by Takeo Takahashi.