Sons and Daughters (1991 TV series)
Sons and Daughters is an American comedy-drama television series created by Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming, that aired on CBS from January 4 until March 1, 1991.Premise
A single mother raises her adoptive daughter while trying to maintain harmony among other family members.Cast
- Lucie Arnaz as Tess Hammersmith
- Michelle Wong as Astrid Hammersmith
- Peggy Smithhart as Patty Hammersmith Lincoln
- Rick Rossovich as Spud Lincoln
- Paul Scherrer as Rocky Lincoln
- Kamie Harper as Paulette Lincoln
- Billy o'Sullivan as Ike Lincoln
- Scott Plank as Gary Hammersmith
- Stacy Edwards as Lindy Hammersmith
- Don Murray as Bing Hammersmith
- Aaron Brownstein as Bing Hammersmith, Jr.
- George D. Wallace as Hank Hammersmith
- Lisa Blount as Mary Ruth Hammersmith