Solange Ghernaouti

Solange Ghernaouti is a Swiss professor at the University of Lausanne and an international expert on cybersecurity and cyberdefence. She regularly collaborates with various United Nations, European and government institutions as well as with private corporations.
The first female professor at HEC Lausanne in 1987, Solange Ghernaouti is a member of the :fr:Académie suisse des sciences techniques|Swiss academy of technical sciences. She leads the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group ] that she has created and the research group in Complexity Science at the university. She developed an innovative interdisciplinary approach of digital security serving individuals, organizations and states at strategic and operational levels.
She is the author of numerous technical and popular books and scientific publications on the subjects of telecommunications, the control of computer risks, Computer crime and cyberpower. Since 2018, she keeps a blog on "Le Temps" newspaper website where she publishes various articles about cybersecurity and new technologies in general.
Solange Ghernaouti was also president of various associations such as the :fr:Erna Hamburger|Erna Hamburger Foundation from 2012 to 2017 as well as the Social Commission of the University of Lausanne from 2006 to 2016.
