Sokkankadu is a small village located in Karur District in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is very close to TNPL Pugalur and falls under its jurisdiction. The adjacent villages are Sottaiyur, Moolimangalam, Pandipalayam, Masagoundanpudur and Palamapuram.Demographics
This village has around 15 homes with a population of 50. All are Kongu Vellalar Gounders.Communication
, Aircel, Airtel, Tata Indicom, Reliance are the communication providers.
The well penetrated landline connections are provided by BSNL again. The availability of internet is fair.Transport
Transport facilities are low. Some Private Mini Buses are running. Most of the people commute by bi-cycles or two wheeler motorcycles.
The nearby place pugalur has a which is well connected to Erode, Coimbatore, Trichy, Chennai and cochin. Both passenger trains and express trains pass through this station.
The nearest airport is in . Major Airport is located at .Entertainment
There are more theatres nearby which are some kilometers away from the village. Most of the residents have access to almost all Television channels.