So (kana)
そ, in hiragana, or ソ, in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, each of which represents one mora. Both represent. The version of this character used by computer fonts does not match the handwritten form that most native Japanese writers use. The native way is shown here as the alternative form.
Form | Rōmaji | Hiragana | Katakana |
Normal s-
| so | そ | ソ |
Normal s-
| sou soo sō, soh | そう, そぅ そお, そぉ そー | ソウ, ソゥ ソオ, ソォ ソー |
Addition dakuten z-
| zo | ぞ | ゾ |
Addition dakuten z-
| zou zoo zō, zoh | ぞう, ぞぅ ぞお, ぞぉ ぞー | ゾウ, ゾゥ ゾオ, ゾォ ゾー |