Small Enterprise Assistance Funds

SEAF is an international investment management group that provides growth capital and business assistance to small and medium enterprises in emerging and transition markets underserved by traditional sources of capital.


Founded in 1989 as the private equity investment subsidiary of the international development organization CARE, Small Enterprise Assistance Funds evolved in 1995 into an independent organization specializing in the sponsorship and management of investment funds targeting growth-oriented, emerging enterprises located in countries underserved by traditional sources of capital. SEAF has managed or is managing 36 Funds across more than 30 countries with over USD 1 billion in aggregate committed capital, of which over USD 600 million has been invested through over 400 investments in SMEs, with more than 300 completed exits. Investors in SEAF-sponsored funds represent a cross section of public and private institutions, including multilateral financial institutions, private foundations, pension funds, insurance companies, family offices, banks and other independent financial institutions.
SEAF employs over 140 investment professionals worldwide within a network of 20+ regional offices.

SEAF International Funds

Below is a list of SEAF's active and historic funds and the countries in which they operate:


Small and medium enterprises are often overlooked and therefore referred to as the "missing middle" in the developing world. Recent data results, analysis and case highlights demonstrate how SMEs can generate employment opportunities in their local communities, serve as links to regional and international markets for smaller local suppliers, and address market deficiencies and customer needs that would otherwise go unaddressed.


In 2006, the SEAF family grew larger with the creation of Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development , a legacy institution of United States Agency for International Development and SEAF, born out of USAID grant funding in SME equity investments made by SEAF throughout the Balkans, and EBRD in Slovenia. CEED centers provide business development training and technical assistance to entrepreneurs in emerging markets.


SEAF is led by a Corporate Board of Directors, an International Advisory Council, and a Management Team based in Washington, D.C. The board and the council include business leaders, editors of periodicals, academics, and other international experts. Below is a list of senior management at SEAF:

United States headquarters