Slow living

Slow living is a lifestyle emphasizing slower approaches to aspects of everyday life. It has been defined as movement or action at a relaxed or leisurely pace.
It started in Italy with the slow food movement, which emphasizes traditional food production techniques in response to the emergence of fast food during the 1980s and 1990s. Slow living also incorporates slow money and slow cities. Slow food and slow living are sometimes proposed as solutions to what the green movement sees as the consequences of materialistic and industrial lifestyles.
One asserted benefit is that living at a fast pace can make people feel their lives are chaotic while slowing down can mean they can enjoy life more and be more conscious of sensory cues. This does not prevent the adoption of certain technologies such as mobile phones, Internet, and access to goods and services.
The term slow is used as an acronym to show different issues: S = Sustainable – not having an impact; L = Local – not someone else's patch; O = Organic – not mass-produced, and; W = Whole – not processed

Slow Food Movement

The "slow food" movement, originally known as Arcigola, was renamed Slow Food in 1989 in Italy. It has over 78,000 members in 85 countries, including Japan, Australia and the US. The movement continues to grow in reputation and in membership. Slow food has the goals of natural taste, comfort, and quality using locally sourced ingredients. The movement is opposed to industrial food production and fast food and seeks to preserve cultural or traditional cuisine and the original use of crops, seeds and animals.