Skylab Gallery

Skylab Gallery is an independently run gallery and performance space in downtown Columbus, Ohio. It has been active since at least the year 2000, serving as a significant exhibition space for the independent art community in Columbus. The Space Station Skylab has most notably been a significant venue for the contemporary underground experimental music and noise rock scene, hosting local, national, and international performers. The other floors of the building have been consistently occupied by artists as well.

Notable Performances and Exhibitions

Notable musicians and groups who have performed at Skylab Gallery include The Skaters, Wolf Eyes, Emeralds, Prurient, Byron Westbrook, Extreme Animals, Lukas Ligeti, Leslie Keffer, Neptune, Foot Village, C Spencer Yeh, Burning Star Core, the White Mice, Sword Heaven, The Laundry Room Squelchers, Daniel Higgs, Rocco Di Pietro, Nautical Almanac, Mike Shiflet, Times New Viking, and Japanther.

World Record Breaking Hula Hoop Marathon

The Shelf, located one floor below Skylab, was the site of both attempts by artist and former Skylab curator Aaron Hibbs to break the Guinness Book of World Records record for longest hula hoop marathon, including the final and successful 2009 attempt. The attempt was broadcast live to Skylab, where music and art events occurred in conjunction with the marathon as well as web-cast online.

Avant Writing Symposium

In 2010 Skylab was host to a Visual Poetry and Mailart Exhibition as part of the International Avant Writing Symposium curated by the poet John M. Bennett.

Other Exhibitions

based illustrator and artist John Malta held his first solo exhibition, entitled "Be Safe My Little Viking" at Skylab in 2009.
In 2009 Skylab and The Shelf Galleries were host to 28 Windows, a multimedia video installation in which all 28 windows of the Skylab building were flooded with video art projections. The project was curated by new media artist and former Shelf curator Nathan Ober.