Singles Awareness Day

Singles Awareness Day is celebrated on 15 February each year. It is an unofficial holiday celebrated by single people. It serves as a complement to Valentine's Day for people who are single, that is, not married or in a romantic relationship. It is a celebration of love in all forms recognising the love between friends, family and loving yourself. Some people who observe Singles Awareness Day do so out of spite for Valentine's Day, as a Hallmark holiday, or for other reasons.
The United Kingdom have two 'days' attributed to highlighting single status. Since Single Awareness Day spells SAD and a group of dating experts wanted to highlight a more positive tone, creating National Singles Day. It is celebrated on 11 March with the aim to empower those who identify themselves as single.
11 March is also celebrated as Solo Poly day.
It is unclear who is behind SAD in the UK.
On Singles Awareness Day, single people gather to celebrate or to commiserate in their single status. Some want to remind romantic couples that they don't need to be in a relationship to celebrate life.
Common activities include singles' events, such as traveling, volunteering, treating oneself to popular activities, gathering of family and friends, and gift-giving for oneself. One increasingly popular activity is to travel to Brazil for the Ash Wednesday period Carnival. Another option is to celebrate the Mardi Gras carnival in the same period.