Simons Foundation
The Simons Foundation is a private foundation established in 1994 by Marilyn and James Harris Simons with offices in New York City. The foundation funds research in mathematics and the basic sciences.
The foundation makes grants in "four program areas: mathematics and physical sciences; life sciences; autism research; and education & outreach." In 2016, the foundation launched the Flatiron Institute, a multidisciplinary academic research entity focused on computation.
The foundation also funds two editorially independent online publications: Quanta Magazine and Spectrum. Quanta reports on developments in mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical computer science and the basic life sciences. Spectrum provides news and analysis of advancements in autism research.
Simons Investigators awardees
The Simons Foundation funds the Simons Investigators program which "provides a stable base of support for outstanding scientists, enabling them to undertake long-term study of fundamental questions".Simons Investigators are nominated by eligible universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Awards are made in the categories of mathematics, physics, astrophysics, theoretical computer science, mathematical modeling of living systems, and math+X.
Awardees receive research support of $100,000 per year for five years.
Year | Category | Awardee | Institution |
2017 | Mathematics | Simon Brendle | Columbia University |
2017 | Mathematics | Ludmil Katzarkov | University of Miami |
2017 | Mathematics | Igor Rodnianski | Princeton University |
2017 | Mathematics | Allan Sly | University of California |
2017 | Physics | Nigel Cooper | Cambridge University |
2017 | Physics | Steven Gubser | Princeton University |
2017 | Physics | Shamit Kachru | Stanford University |
2017 | Physics | Anders Sandvik | Boston University |
2017 | Physics | Eva Silverstein | Stanford University |
2017 | Astrophysics | Eve Ostriker | Princeton University |
2017 | Astrophysics | Wayne Hu | University of Chicago |
2017 | Theoretical computer science | Scott Aaronson | University of Texas at Austin |
2017 | Theoretical computer science | Boaz Barak | Harvard University |
2017 | Theoretical computer science | James R. Lee | University of Washington |
2017 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Arvind Murugan | The University of Chicago |
2017 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | David Schwab | Northwestern University |
2017 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Aryeh Warmflash | Rice University |
2017 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Daniel Weissman | Emory University |
2017 | Math+X | Andrea Bertozzi | University of California, Los Angeles |
2017 | Math+X | Amit Singer | Princeton University |
2016 | Mathematics | Vladimir Markovic | California Institute of Technology |
2016 | Mathematics | James McKernan | University of California, San Diego |
2016 | Mathematics | Bjorn Poonen | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2016 | Physics | Mina Aganagic | University of California, Berkeley |
2016 | Physics | Andrea Alù | The University of Texas at Austin |
2016 | Physics | Andrei Beloborodov | Columbia University |
2016 | Physics | B. Andrei Bernevig | Princeton University |
2016 | Physics | Garnet Chan | California Institute of Technology |
2016 | Physics | Daniel Eisenstein | Harvard University |
2016 | Physics | Anton Kapustin | California Institute of Technology |
2016 | Theoretical computer science | Madhu Sudan | Harvard University |
2016 | Theoretical computer science | David Zuckerman | University of Texas at Austin |
2016 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Surya Ganguli | Stanford University |
2016 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Kirill Korolev | Boston University |
2016 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Madhav Mani | Northwestern University |
2016 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | M. Lisa Manning | Syracuse University |
2016 | Math+X | Ingrid Daubechies | Duke University |
2015 | Mathematics | Ian Agol | University of California, Berkeley |
2015 | Mathematics | Ben Green | University of Oxford |
2015 | Mathematics | Raphaël Rouquier | University of California, Los Angeles |
2015 | Mathematics | Christopher Skinner | Princeton University |
2015 | Theoretical computer science | Dan Boneh | Stanford University |
2015 | Theoretical computer science | Subhash Khot | New York University |
2015 | Theoretical computer science | Christopher Umans | California Institute of Technology |
2015 | Physics | Jonathan Feng | University of California, Irvine |
2015 | Physics | Alexei Kitaev | California Institute of Technology |
2015 | Physics | Andrea Liu | University of Pennsylvania |
2015 | Physics | Mark Van Raamsdonk | University of British Columbia |
2015 | Physics | Ashvin Vishwanath | Harvard University |
2015 | Physics | Anastasia Volovich | Brown University |
2015 | Physics | Matthieu Wyart | New York University |
2015 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Michael Desai | Harvard University |
2015 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Andrew Mugler | Purdue University |
2015 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | James O’Dwyer | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
2015 | Math+X | Michael Weinstein | Columbia University |
2014 | Mathematics | Alex Eskin | University of Chicago |
2014 | Mathematics | Larry Guth | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2014 | Mathematics | Richard Kenyon | Brown University |
2014 | Mathematics | Andrei Okounkov | Columbia University |
2014 | Theoretical computer science | Moses Charikar | Princeton University |
2014 | Theoretical computer science | Shang-Hua Teng | University of Southern California |
2014 | Physics | Patrick Hayden | Stanford University |
2014 | Physics | Marc Kamionkowski | The Johns Hopkins University |
2014 | Physics | Leo Radzihovsky | University of Colorado at Boulder |
2014 | Physics | Rachel Somerville | Rutgers University |
2014 | Physics | Anatoly Spitkovsky | Princeton University |
2014 | Physics | Iain Stewart | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2014 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Paul François | McGill University |
2014 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Oskar Hallatschek | University of California, Berkeley |
2014 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Pankaj Mehta | Boston University |
2014 | Mathematical modeling of living systems | Olga Zhaxybayeva | Dartmouth College |
2013 | Mathematics | Ngô Bảo Châu | The University of Chicago |
2013 | Mathematics | Maryam Mirzakhani | Stanford University |
2013 | Mathematics | Kannan Soundararajan | Stanford University |
2013 | Mathematics | Daniel Tătaru | University of California, Berkeley |
2013 | Computer science | Rajeev Alur | University of Pennsylvania |
2013 | Computer science | Piotr Indyk | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2013 | Computer science | Salil Vadhan | Harvard University |
2013 | Physics | Victor Galitski | The University of Maryland |
2013 | Physics | Randall Kamien | University of Pennsylvania |
2013 | Physics | Joel Moore | University of California, Berkeley |
2013 | Physics | Đàm Thanh Sơn | The University of Chicago |
2013 | Physics | Senthil Todadri | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2013 | Physics | Xi Yin | Harvard University |
2012 | Mathematics | Manjul Bhargava | Princeton University |
2012 | Mathematics | Alice Guionnet | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2012 | Mathematics | Christopher Hacon | The University of Utah |
2012 | Mathematics | Paul Seidel | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2012 | Mathematics | Amit Singer | Princeton University |
2012 | Mathematics | Terence Tao | University of California, Los Angeles |
2012 | Mathematics | Horng-Tzer Yau | Harvard University |
2012 | Computer science | Sanjeev Arora | Princeton University |
2012 | Computer science | Shafrira Goldwasser | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2012 | Computer science | Russell Impagliazzo | University of California, San Diego |
2012 | Computer science | Jon Kleinberg | Cornell University |
2012 | Computer science | Daniel Spielman | Yale University |
2012 | Physics | Igor Aleiner | Columbia University |
2012 | Physics | Michael Brenner | Harvard University |
2012 | Physics | Sharon Glotzer | University of Michigan |
2012 | Physics | Matthew Hastings | Duke University |
2012 | Physics | Chris Hirata | California Institute of Technology |
2012 | Physics | Charles Kane | University of Pennsylvania |
2012 | Physics | Hirosi Ooguri | California Institute of Technology |
2012 | Physics | Frans Pretorius | Princeton University |
2012 | Physics | Eliot Quataert | University of California, Berkeley |
White House BRAIN Initiative Alliance membership
As of December 2018, the Simons Foundation is listed as a White House BRAIN Initiative Alliance Member.The Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain is working to understand the internal processes underlying cognition.