
Silleda is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra.


The town is adjacent to the N-525 road that connects Ourense with Santiago de Compostela, and 40 km from the Galician capital, Santiago. It also has access to the AP-53 highway between Santiago de Compostela and Ourense.


The Serra do Candán, the mountains of Chamor, San Sebastián de Meda, and the rivers Ulla and Deza define the limits of the municipality. It borders the municipalities of Vila de Cruces to the north and east, Lalín to the east and south, and A Estrada and Forcarei to the west.


Its 169 km² is divided into 33 parishes with many different patron saints. They are: Abades, Ansemil, Breixa, Carboeiro, O Castro, Cervaña, Chapa, Cira, Cortegada, Dornelas, Escuadro, Fiestras, Graba, Lamela, Laro, Manduas, Margaride, Martixe, Moalde, Negreiros, Oleiros, Parada, Pazos, Piñeiro, Ponte, Refoxos, Rellas, Saídres, Siador, Silleda, Taboada, Vilar and Xestoso.

Local economy

Silleda is famous for its cattle and agricultural fairs, which receive their largest international attendance during the Semana Verde de Galicia. The International Fair that takes place at the place created for it, which has Europe's largest roofed street.
It is a town in continuous growth, especially since the creation of the ring road and the industrial estate on the outskirts.
The town has cultural attractions and natural ones.
