Sierra Point (Brisbane)

Sierra Point is a small artificial peninsula that extends eastward into the San Francisco Bay from the eastern shore of the San Francisco Peninsula, located in Brisbane, San Mateo County, California. It lies entirely east of U.S. Route 101. There are several class A office buildings at Sierra Point including the Dakin Building and the former Hitachi building. The Brisbane Marina is on the eastern shore of Sierra Point. The San Francisco Bay Trail runs along the waterfront of the peninsula and continues south into the Oyster Point area of South San Francisco.

History and characteristics

Sierra Point encompasses an area of, reclaimed from San Francisco Bay by landfill behind dikes. are for the office park and are for the Brisbane Marina. It is one of two large commercial districts in Brisbane; the older Crocker Industrial Park north of the residential area of Brisbane was developed during the 1960s.
The Sunset Scavenger Company let a contract to the Easley and Brassy Company, who constructed an earthen dike from 1965 to 1967 around the existing site perimeter, on the existing mud flat east of San Bruno Mountain. The area, then named the Sierra Point Solid Waste Disposal Site, was used as an unlined Class III landfill between 1965 and 1972, covered daily with soil taken from Candlestick Point. In total, were used for the disposal of an estimated of solid waste.
The entire site was purchased by Sierra Point Development Company from Sunset Scavenger in 1975. SPDC donated approximately for a municipal marina to the City of Brisbane in 1980, in partial exchange for development rights to the site. After it was complete, the city would assume control of the marina and collect property taxes on the improved site. Development of the Sierra Point area was approved in 1979 and started in 1982. The San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted Order 82-27 in June 1982 to provide landfill closure requirements; that was subsequently rescinded and superseded by Order 96-058 in 1996. SPDC subsequently sold the site to Sierra Point Associates Two in November 1983.
By 1996, of the landfill site had been capped with a minimum of of clean soil and of compacted clay. In 2001, the elevation of Sierra Point was above sea level, with settlement expected to reduce the elevation to over the next 100 years.


, Sierra Point has not been completely built out. Existing buildings include two office buildings north of the Marina loop, the oldest building at Sierra Point, an office building covered in dark glass just east of 101 and west of Marina, two office buildings in the loop enclosed by Marina and Sierra Point, and two hotels in the southwest corner. The parcel north of the oldest building is known as Parcel 3, the area northeast of the eastern intersection of Marina and Sierra Point is zoned for another hotel, the parcel south of Sierra Point Pkwy has been approved for the Sierra Point Biotech Project, and the area east of the terminus of Sierra Point Pkwy is zoned for retail use and the planned Sierra Point Plaza.
There are buildings at 4000, 5000, 6000, and 7000 Shoreline Court in the southern portion of Sierra Point which lies within the City of South San Francisco.

Brisbane Marina

The Brisbane Marina was completed in 1983 along the eastern shore of Sierra Point and has slips for up to 580 boats. The Marina was built by a private developer at the city's expense in exchange for a long-term lease for the entire Sierra Point site; in addition, the developer would subsidize the loan payments for the money the city had borrowed to build the Marina.
The Sierra Point Yacht Club was established in 1984 to support boaters and boating activities at Brisbane Marina; initial meetings were held at local restaurants, and the first Club building was a maintenance building rented from the City of Brisbane starting from 1988. The Club moved into its present site at 500 Sierra Point Parkway, near the southeast corner of Sierra Point, in 2000.

7000 Marina and 5000 Marina

This area, north of Marina Boulevard, was originally designated Parcel 4 and is. The Dakin Building was the first building to be developed at this site, at 7000 Marina.

3000–3500 Marina

The northwest corner of Sierra Point is also known as Parcel 3, which occupies approximately. The City of Brisbane approved the development of the Opus Office Center on Parcel 3 in 2009, which would include two office buildings and a five-story parking structure. In 2012, the City of Brisbane adopted development agreement DA-1-11; the project was largely unchanged except the development rights were extended to June 2022 and the buildings were required to be certified LEED Gold. An addendum was adopted in 2017 to further extend the development rights to 2027 in exchange for reverting control of Parcel R to the City of Brisbane.
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1 8?
2 10?

In 2018, the site was transferred to Phase 3 Real Estate Partners, who have proposed a biotech campus tentatively named Genesis Marina with approximately the same area in three buildings. The Planning Commission approved Design Permit DP-1-18 to modify the site plans in accordance with the Phase 3 design in November 2018.
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1000 Marina

The 1000 Marina site consists of a parcel that is. The dark glass building at this site was built for Unisys. The building was sold to Spieker Properties for $10 million in 1997.

2000 Sierra Point & 8000 Marina

This site, enclosed by the loop formed by Marina Boulevard and Sierra Point Parkway, consists of two parcels: Parcel 8, and Parcel 9,. Parcel 8 was the first to be developed with Hitachi America's west coast headquarters.


Two hotels occupy Parcel 1, which is in the southwest corner of Sierra Point. The undeveloped parcel in the northeast corner of Sierra Point is designated for a luxury/convention hotel and occupies.

Biotech Project

The Sierra Point Biotech Project consists of five buildings and one parking garage south of Sierra Point Parkway and east of Shoreline Court. The Biotech Project encompasses three separate parcels on the Sierra Point site, consisting of Parcel 7, ; Parcel 6, ; and Parcel 5,.
BldgLevelsTotal areaFootprint

It is anticipated there would be space for 1,800 employees at the Biotech Project campus. The project would also provide of retail space on the first floor of the parking garage.

Sierra Point Plaza

Parcel R is a lot at the eastern terminus of Sierra Point Parkway, with an address of 400 Sierra Point Pkwy. It is owned by the City of Brisbane, but was leased in 1984 to a private developer to build up to of commercial space. After the lease was signed, were re-allocated to the Biotech Project site, reducing the developable area to., the site has not been developed beyond partial paving for a surface parking lot and a public park.
Under the 2016 Development Agreement DA-1-16, the lease for Parcel R was terminated and control of the site was returned to Brisbane; further development of Parcel R was frozen until the city decides what to do with the site.

4000–7000 Shoreline

Parcel 10 lies south of the hotels in Parcel 1, entirely in the City of South San Francisco, and occupies.


Exits along the San Francisco Peninsula's principal highway, U.S. Highway 101, lead to Sierra Point Parkway. Sierra Point Parkway runs approximately east-west for its length east of 101, and crosses under the freeway and runs north-south along the west side of 101 and east of Brisbane Lagoon. The southbound exit from 101 leads to the northernmost end of Sierra Point Parkway, where it intersects with Lagoon Road. The northbound exit from 101 is near where Sierra Point Parkway crosses under the freeway. Sierra Point is connected to the rest of Brisbane via the northern end of Sierra Point Parkway.
Marina Boulevard is the other primary road in Sierra Point; it forms a loop north of Sierra Point Parkway. South of the Parkway from its western intersection, it becomes Shoreline Court.
Although the Caltrain Bayshore Cutoff line runs along the west side of Sierra Point, there are no stops. The nearest stops are to the north and to the south; the former stop at Oyster Point just to the south of Sierra Point was removed in 1983.
