Short Order

Short Order is a 2005 Irish drama film written and directed by Anthony Byrne. It was released in Ireland on 1 March 2005. Later on during the Dinard Festival of British Cinema, it was released in France on 6 October 2005. It was released at Newport Beach International Film Festival on April 26, 2006 in the USA and was later released as Life Is A Buffet on 16 May 2008. Spain saw the release at Seville Film Festival on 7 November 2006. The Germany release was on 25 October 2012. Some parts of the dialogues are versed in German, Spanish and Italian, during the course of the movie, interactions between the casts, etc. The movie's primary language is English and some segments are in other languages.


Fifi is an accomplished young chef who is constantly hounded with offers for her talents. Her food is so delicious that it takes on sexual symbol of its own and no one can look at food in the same way again. The film takes the viewers through the life and daily of the chefs and the way they look at the work and how much they crave about food.


The film has got 3 awards and has been nominated 7 times.
Following is the list of the cast members for the short drama about the food and culinary culture of the chefs. Short Order was filmed mostly on sets in, and most of the songs were performed by Emma de Caunes.