Short-tailed opossum

Monodelphis is a genus of marsupials in the family Didelphidae, commonly referred to as short-tailed opossums. They are found throughout South America. As of January 2019, the most recently described species is M. vossi.


Speciation is based on fur coloration with additional details coming from differences in the skull and teeth.

Conservation status

M. sorex and M. rubida are considered to be endangered.

Reproductive development

The genus Monodelphis is marsupial; they are born under-developed and then mature further in the mother's pouch. In Monodelphis, the young first come off the teat in 12 days, whereas this occurs at 48 days in the related genus Didelphis. Most of the events in this process occur about 2–4 weeks later in Didelphis than in Monodelphis. This may be related to the shorter longevity of the species of Monodelphis compared to other marsupials who nurse for a longer period. M. dimidiata is unusual in that it is a semelparous species, something rarely seen in mammals, being found predominately in smaller didelphids and dasyurids.