Short-circuit inductance
Short-circuit inductance of a real linear two-winding transformer is inductance measured across the primary or secondary winding when the other winding is short-circuited. Short-circuit inductance measurements are an alternative to, or complement of, open-circuit inductance measurements, and yield more precise approximations for the coupling factor and other derived quantities. Which measurement methodology is most relevant depends on the application.
Measured primary and secondary short-circuit inductances may be considered as constituent parts of primary and secondary self-inductances; they are related according to the coupling factor as,
Short-circuit inductance measurement is used in conjunction with open-circuit inductance measurements to obtain various derived quantities like, the inductive coupling factor and, the inductive leakage factor. is derived according to :
Other transformer parameters like leakage inductance and mutual inductance which cannot be directly measured may be defined in terms of k.
Short-circuit inductance is one of the parameters that determines the resonance frequency of the magnetic phase synchronous coupling in a resonant transformer and wireless power transfer. Short-circuit inductance is the main component of the current-limiting parameter in leakage transformer applications.