Shade sandbox

Shade sandbox is a sandbox-based isolation program developed by Eugene Balabanov. Shade is distributed to consumers as a shareware solution. It creates an isolated virtual environment within your computer: rather than running software and browsing the Internet directly, you can instead perform these actions through a fenced-off safe area. This mechanism creates a highly controlled environment for running untested or untrustworthy apps without threatening host operating system.


Shade sandbox is basically a plugin for an engine, also developed by Eugene Balabanov which enables developers to build security-related solutions such as file monitors, API Spy utilities and, of course, virtual environments. The platform is available for corporate customers as suggests. These are some capabilities the platform provides to plugins:
Findmysoft has rated Shade Sandbox 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential
Softpedia describes Shade as "Simple, yet reliable anti-virus protection"