Sha Yexin

Sha Yexin was a Chinese playwright and short story writer.
Sha finished his first one-act play, Yi fen qian 《一分钱》, in 1965. Later works include his plays Haohao xuexi 《好好学习》 ; Yesu, Kongzi, Pitoushi Lienong 耶稣·孔子·披头士列侬 ; Makesi mishi 《马克思秘史》 ; Xunzhao nanzihan 《寻找男子汉》 and his short story titled Wu biaoti de duihua 《无标题对话》 . His play The Impostor 《假如我是真的》 was written together with fellow playwrights Li Shoucheng and Yao Mingde and later made into a movie directed by Wang Tong.
Sha became head of the Shanghai People's Art Theatre in 1985.
Sha met with German chancellor Angela Merkel in 2007, regarding freedom of the press issues in China.