Shūchakueki Series

, also known as Morimura Seiichi no Shūchakueki, is a long-running prime-time television detective drama series in Japan that first aired on TV Asahi in 1990. Based on Seiichi Morimura's Ushiokeiji no Jikenbo series.
Shigeru Tsuyuguchi played the lead role in the first four episodes, Tsurutaro Kataoka has been playing the lead role from episode 5 on. Masanao Ushio is a detective of Nishi Shinjuku Police station, his nickname is Moo-san. He solves incidents with his great insight and intelligence.
Some episodes have aired on KIKU with English subtitles.


Shigeru Tsuyuguchi as Masanao Ushio (1990-94)