Seyed Khorasani

Seyed Khorasani, also known as "a young man of Banu-Hashem", is a Seyyed leader whose coming out is one of the signs of Hujjat-Allah al-Mahdi's reappearance. He is considered amongst the assistants of "al-Mahdi".
According to Hadith, Seyed Khorasani has a spot on his right hand; and will move to Kufa -- with Sufyani. Finally, Khorasani with his army --by the command of Shu'ayb-ibn-Salih -- will defeat the army of Sufyani.

Rising of Seyed Khorasani

The rising of Seyyed Khorasani has been named among Signs of the reappearance of Muhammad al-Mahdi. The sixth Imam of Shia Islam, Ja'far Sadiq said: Coming out of three groups "Sufyani, Khorasani and Yamani" will be in: a year, a month, and a day.
According to traditions:
Seyyed Khorasani's rising is going to be commenced from the east of the earth, and will be continued towards Iraq; and he will win at the battle against Sufyani; eventually Khorasani will swear allegiance with al-Mahdi.

East of the earth (Khorasan area)

In regards to Khorasani, it was narrated from the Islamic prophet Muhammad: a group from the east is going to rise, and will provide the way for the rule of al-Mahdi. Some of people from the east of the world have been mentioned as: Khorasani; that is related to Khorasan, and Khorasan is a name which was applied to 2 subjects:
The move of black flags from the side of Khorasan is considered among the symbols of al-Mahdi reappearance. It has been mentioned in the traditions that "you ought to have the expectation of Faraj from three things":