Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca

Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca or SFM is a company which operates the metre gauge railway network on the Spanish island of Majorca. The total length, including Palma Metro, also operated by this company, is 85 km.


In 1977, the line Palma - Inca was the sole remnant of a network that once connected Palma with most of the island. In 2001, the section Inca - Sa Pobla reopened, followed by the section Inca - Sineu in 2002 and Sineu - Manacor in 2003.
The expected extension of the branch line from Sa Pobla onwards to Alcúdia in 2005 has yet to be built.
The line from Manacor to Artà was under construction for a planned 2012 reopening. The project was halted in 2013 to a via verde for cyclists and walkers.


€30m was invested in electrifying the whole line, from Palma to Inca, at 1.5 kV DC, which was completed in 2011. CAF EMUs have been purchased; these displaced diesel vehicles, which were then sold to Overview LDAand to Kenya Railways for use on suburban services in Nairobi.