Serratula is a genus of plants in the thistle tribe within the daisy family native to Eurasia. Plumeless saw-wort is a common name for plants in this genus. Serratula as traditionally defined contains at least two groups: one of which is basal within the subtribe Centaureinae and one of which is derived; the former group can be moved to the genus Klasea.
Various species contain apigenin, luteolin, quercetin, other flavonoids and ecdysteroids.
; Species
; Formerly included
Numerous species are now considered members of other genera:
- Acilepis
- Baccharoides
- Carphephorus
- Chronopappus
- Cirsium
- Crupina
- Cyanthillium
- Goniocaulon
- Hemistepta
- Heterocoma
- Hololepis
- Jurinea
- Klasea
- Laggera
- Liatris
- Lucilia
- Olgaea
- Oligochaeta
- Ptilostemon
- Rhaponticum
- Saussurea
- Scrobicaria
- Stemmacantha
- Synurus
- Syreitschikovia
- Vernonia