
Serradura, also known as sawdust pudding, or Macau pudding, is a well-known Portuguese dessert, popular in both Portugal and Macau, which shows a layered outlook with a simple combination of whipped cream and crumbled Marie biscuit.
The name Serradura is a Portuguese word for “sawdust”, which refers to the way the biscuits look in the pudding, as they are crushed very fine into crumbs.

Origin and history

Serradura is a dessert originated in Portugal, which became famous in Macau. It is a very common dessert that can be easily found in different restaurants and bakeries in Macau, which is why Serradura is chosen as one of the must-try food of Macau.
Serradura was introduced to Macau during a time when Macau was under the colonial rule of Portugal. It can also be found in Hong Kong, in Goa, India, and various Portuguese and Spanish-speaking countries.

"Sawdust Pudding" anecdote

In American history, there is an event named “Sawdust Pudding”. The historical event dated back to Benjamin Franklin, who was the editor of Pennsylvania Gazette, his own newspaper. He spoke his mind too freely that caused a lot of controversy in society. Some people complained it for not creating contents that pleased them, they would stop advertising or talking about the newspaper. Franklin treated them all a meal which people expected to be a hearty feast yet it only served “Sawdust Pudding”. “Sawdust pudding” was only eaten by poor people that time because they were just “corn-meal mush”. It was named “Sawdust Pudding” due to its yellow and coarse appearance. Franklin finished the meal, while others tried to but could not. Franklin then told the guests that “My friends, anyone who can live on 'sawdust pudding' and cold water, as I can, does not need much help from others.”, meaning he would not follow their requirements because he did not need anyone’s help. Those people no longer complained. And this event was then named “Sawdust Pudding” afterwards.



Traditionally, Serradura was in the flavour of tea biscuits, also known as Marie biscuits, and whipped cream. Later on, it has been developed into many different flavours, including Oreo, coffee beans, nuts, green tea, and so on, by varying on the cream or the biscuits crumbs. For the sawdust, some recipes use biscuits or powder to mix with Marie biscuits or even replace it. As for the variation on the cream, some recipes may add different flavourings to the cream to create other taste such as chocolate, strawberry, green tea etc.


In terms of the form that Serradura is served, it usually comes in two types, cake or pudding. The cake type Serradura is frozen into a harder state so that the texture of it is a bit like ice-cream. For the pudding style, it is also frozen but with a higher temperature, so that the cream solidify to a lower level to create a creamy texture.


Serradura is quite easy to make, and only a few ingredients are needed. Condensed milk, Marie biscuit crumbs and whipping cream are the most common ingredients of Serradura, but sometimes thick cream would be used to replace whipping cream. Spread the whisked cream and the biscuits crumbs into a container alternately, after condensation in fridge for five to six hours, the dessert can be served.
As Serradura is more common and popular nowadays, people started to create new flavors, like green tea, chocolate, and Oreo flavors. To add different flavors into Serradura, green tea powder, vanilla extract or any other flavors can be added into the cream. Then, whisk them together. Another way to make some changes according to individual preferences, is to replace the Marie biscuits with other biscuits, such as Oreo.

Famous Shops

In Macau


Serrdura is a Macau chain store selling cakes, sorbets, and serradura. The first retail store opened in May 2003. Currently, there are 3 branches in Macau. The store name Serrdura originated from the name of the Portuguese dessert, Serradura. Serradura is the signature dish of the store. The flavours of Serradura provided in the store include original, cookie, mango, durian, coffee, mango green tea, rocky road, and chocolate flavours.

Gelatina Mok Yi Kei

Gelatina Mok Yi Kei is a dessert store that has operated for over 80 years. It was a roadside food stand selling toast at first. Now, it is located on the Cunha street in Vila da Taipa. The store is well-known for durian ice cream and serradura. It also sells puddings, jellies, and mango pomelo sago.

In Hong Kong

LIS Café

LIS Café is a restaurant offering both Asian and Western dishes. It is located in the L’hotel Island South, a hotel in Aberdeen of Hong Kong. Serradura is one of the signature dishes of the café. It is described as “the best interpretation of serradura ever” by the HK magazine on Oct 25, 2011.