Serracapriola is an Italian town of 4.039 inhabitants, located in the province of Foggia, Apulia. It is part of the Gargano National Park, and it is placed at the border between Apulia and Molise, on a hill 270 meters tall.
The climate is Mediterrean, being placed few kilometers from the Adriatic Sea. In Serracapriola, the convent of the Padri Cappuccini is located, and it is one of the oldest in Puglia. Here, in 1905 San Pio da Pietrelcina began its teologic studies. It is possible to visit his lodging within the convent. At same place, it is possible to see the paint of the Madonna of Graces.Geography
The town is bordered by Chieuti, Lesina, Rotello, San Martino in Pensilis, San Paolo di Civitate and Torremaggiore.