Serra da Cutia National Park

Serra da Cutia National Park is a national park in the state of Rondônia, Brazil.


The park is in the Amazon biome and covers.
It was created on 1 August 2001 and is administered by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation.
It covers parts of the municipalities of Costa Marques and Guajará-Mirim in the state of Rondônia.
Average annual rainfall is.
Temperatures range from with an average of.
Altitudes range from above sea level.


There are 250 species of birds, 24 species of lizard, 14 species of snakes, two species of alligator, 41 species of amphibians and 143 fish species.
The catfish Pimelodella is endemic. Medium and large mammals include giant anteater, brown-mantled tamarin, Peruvian spider monkey, tufted capuchin, bare-eared squirrel monkey, Venezuelan red howler, brown titi, Rio Tapajós saki, margay, jaguar, cougar, giant otter, tayra, white-lipped peccary, collared peccary, red brocket, gray brocket, black agouti, Dasyprocta fuliginosa, Central American agouti and Neotropical pygmy squirrel.


The park is classed as IUCN protected area category II.
The purpose is to preserve an important area of Amazon rainforest and savannah, and to protect the sources that contribute to formation of the Cautário, Sotério and Novo rivers.
It ensures environmental connectivity in the Guaporé River valley between Brazil and Bolivia.
The park includes a mosaic of protected areas formed from several conservation units and indigenous lands, constituting the Guaporé/Itenez-Mamoré Ecological Corridor.
The conservation unit is supported by the Amazon Region Protected Areas Program.
The area surrounding the park is inhabited by a community of settlers in the Surpresa district, extractive and indigenous communities.
The park promotes sustainable development in these communities.
Despite the difficulty of access the park and surrounding protected areas suffer from hunting, mining, deforestation and land seizure.