Sebelas Maret University Campus VI PGSD Kebumen

Sebelas Maret University Campus VI Kebumen or UNS PGSD Kebumen is a public university in Indonesia located in Kebumen Regency. This campus is a branch campus of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta and has only one undergraduate study program for elementary school teacher education.


In 1989-1990 SPG and SGI Indonesia were closed.
This closure is comprehensive, including SPG and SGO in Kebumen. So in 1991 the SPG of Kebumen Regency was proposed to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. Initially, PGSD Kebumen held a Diploma 2 or D2 PGSD program. Then in the 2009/2010 academic year it turned into an undergraduate or PGSD undergraduate program, where the graduation class in 2010 was the last batch of the PGSD D2 Program.

Study Program