Scene description language

A scene description language is any description language used to describe a scene to a 3D renderer, such as a ray tracer. The scene is written in a text editor, as opposed to being modeled in a graphical way, but a 3D modelling program may allow for a scene to be exported to a specified scene description language.
Some scene description languages may include variables, constants, conditional statements, and while and for loops.
For example, 3DMLW and X3D are XML-based scene description languages; YafaRay also employs an XML-based language. Tao Presentations uses XL as a dynamic document description language. POV-Ray has its own Turing-complete language.


#declare the_angle = 0;
#declare the_angle = the_angle + 45;



xsd ">

Tao Presentations

clear_color 0, 0, 0, 1
light 0
light_position 1000, 1000, 1000
draw_sphere with 1..50
rotatey 0.05 * mouse_x
text_box 0, 0, 800, 600,
extrude_depth 25
extrude_radius 5
font "Arial", 300
color "white"
text "3D"
font_size 80
text zero hours & ":" & zero minutes & ":" & zero seconds
draw_sphere N ->
color_hsv 20 * N, 0.3, 1
translate 300*cos, 300*sin, 500*sin
sphere 50
zero N -> if N < 10 then "0" & text N else text N