Say Again Yes I Do

Say Again Yes I Do also known as I Do2 is a 2014 Taiwanese television series created and produced by Sanlih E-Television. Starring :zh:林佑威|Lin Yo Wei, Mandy Wei, Michael Zhang and Vivi Lee as the main leads. Filming began on August 6, 2014 and wrapped up on December 31, 2014, the drama was filmed as it aired. The series began airing on Sanlih's TTV channel on Sunday nights August 30, 2014 at 10:00 PM and will take over the timeslot of previous TTV drama "Fall in Love with Me :zh:愛上兩個我|愛上兩個我". The drama concluded on January 4, 2015 with 20 episodes total.


Can you rush true love before its time? Shu Xin Kui met Xiang Zheng Yang four years ago and got married after a whirlwind romance of only a couple of months. But as the stress of married life set in – trying to get used to each other's habits and dealing with the extended in-laws – the young couple began to bicker and ended up divorcing just six months into their marriage. Four years later, Xin Kui and Zheng Yang meet up again when they both start working together as managers-in-training at the same hotel. As the same chemistry they initially felt toward each other starts to brew, can Xin Kui and Zheng Yang make a relationship work the second time around?

Plot summary

Xiang Zheng Yang and Shu Xin Kui meet by accident when he takes her cup of coffee at a cafe. Later that day the two encounter each other again at a singles party that their friends dragged them to. After that faithful day the two embark on a whirlwind romance and decided to get married after only dating for a few months. After their flash marriage the two starts to see faults in each other and find each other annoying. She sees him as a controlling neat freak who has a love for amphibians. While he sees her as a messy clumsy oath who pigs out on junk food. Unable to cope with each other anymore the two agree to a divorce after six month of marriage.
On the day Zheng Yang and Xin Kui divorce is finalized and they divide their assets, the two have a huge fight over belongings. The two swear not to ever encounter each other again. While at the beach reminiscing of the good times he had with Xin Kui, Zheng Yang sees a women about to drown and saves her. Ge Qian Qian has also just ended a relationship. After a few kind words about relationship issues from Zheng Yang at the hospital the two part ways.
Four years later fate brings Zheng Yang and Xin Kui back together, when their best friends who dragged them to the singles party, get married and ask them to be the best man and maid of honor at their wedding. The day after their friends wedding, both also find out they're candidates at the same "Mars Hotel" management training course, which is a job promotion for those who survive and passes the training course. Also a trainee at the same course is Qian Qian, the women Zheng Yang saved from drowning four years ago. Things get more complicated when the strict director of the training course is Ji Shi Yu, Qian Qian's former fiancée who she ran out on four years ago without giving any explanation.
Shi Yu is the stern supervisor who believes the guest at the hotel are always right even though they are not. He tells his trainees that no matter what the guest must always leave "Mars Hotel" feeling satisfy with the best hospitality provided to them. He acts cold towards Qian Qian because of how she ended their relationship, but deep down he still cares for her and wants to know the reason she had left him. Qian Qian truly loves Shi Yu and was set to marry him four years ago until she found out she could not fulfill his dream of having lots of children since her doctor told her she could never have a child.
After working closely together Zheng Yang and Xin Kui learn more about each other that they didn't know about before. The two decide to give their relationship another try but with Zheng Yang's family business in financial troubles and with his mother still disapproving Xin Kui, it puts a strain on their relationship from going forward.
Meanwhile, Shi Yu finds out from a family friend about Qian Qian's condition and realizes why she ran out on him. Still in love with her he tells her he does not mind that she can't have children. However Qian Qian still does not want to be a burden to Shi Yu and ask a friend to help her pretend that she's marrying someone else and tells Shi Yu that she doesn't love him anymore. Her actions breaks Shi Yu's heart and he starts to find comfort in Xin Kui to help him ease his broken heart.


Main cast

Mars Hotel

* 6 December 2014 : Say Again Yes I Do Original Novel - - Author: Sanlih E-Television 三立電視監製 & Chen Bi Zhen 陳碧真 - Publisher: KADOKAWA Media 台灣角川
* 5 November 2014 : S-Pop Vol. 22 November 2014 - Barcode 4717095578623 - Author: Sanlih E-Television 三立電視監製


Episode ratings

Competing dramas on rival channels airing at the same time slot were: