Saved (TV series)

Saved is an American medical drama television series, which was broadcast on TNT from June 12 to September 4, 2006. The series was created by David Manson.
The series was premiered on June 12, 2006. The pilot episode, "A Day in the Life", received 5.1 million viewers. The Hollywood Reporter was the first to report that Saved would not be renewed by TNT, followed by various other sources, contradicting reports by the Internet Movie Database that Saved season 2 would begin on TNT with the episode "Epidemic" on March 5, 2007.


Saved tells the story of Wyatt Cole, a Portland, Oregon, paramedic with a rough past and a history of compulsive gambling. The series follows the ups and downs of Cole's life, from the adrenaline rush he receives from his busy 24-hour shift to the chaotic personal decisions he makes.




The show does not have an opening theme, usually only displaying the show logo briefly a few seconds after the show starts. The rock-oriented soundtrack accompanying the show, music supervised by Gary Calamar, has been well received by critics.

Songs featured in TV spots

In the United Kingdom, the show was broadcast by The Hallmark Channel on 15 October at 21.00 and BBC.
In Australia, Saved was telecast on pay-TV Foxtel from early January 2008, at 8.30pm on a Saturday night. It was also telecast on free-to-air Channel Seven from June 10, 2009, at midnight.
In Italy, Saved was broadcast on Italia 1 from 12 September to 13 November 2007.