Sankei Children's Book Award

Sankei Children's Book Award, literally "Sankei Children's Publishing Culture Award", is a major and the oldest Children's literary awards in Japan.
The Sankei Children's Book Award annually recognizes the preceding year's "most distinguished Japanese Children's literature, picture book for children", beginning with 1954 publications.
The Awards is selected from among all the children's books published in Japan of the previous year. The Awards will be announced on the Children's Day on May 5th every year. The award ceremony are held at the end of May or early June, and "Kiko, Princess Akishino" will attended.


Shōwa period
The 8th - 世界童話文学全集 1 - published by Kodansha
The 9th - * No corresponding work
The 10th - こどものとも - published by Fukuinkan Shoten
The 11th - 科学図説シリーズ(全12巻) - published by Shogakukan
The 12th - アンデルセン童話全集(全8巻) - published by Kodansha
The 13th - 少年少女日本昆虫記(全5巻) - published by Maki Shoten
The 14th - 与田準一全集(全6巻) - published by Dainippon Tosho
The 15th - 千葉省三童話全集 1 - published by Iwasaki Shoten
The 16th - * No corresponding work
The 17th - かっぱとドンコツ and Dark_sleeper - published by Kodansha
The 18th - 心の灯 考古学への情熱 - - 鬼を飼うゴロ - - published by Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha
The 20th - かちかち山のすぐそばで - published by froebel kan
The 21st - かえってきたきつね - published by Kodansha
The 22nd - 海と少年 - published by Rironsha
The 23rd - 科学のアルバム(全50巻、別巻2巻) - published by Akane Shobo
The 24th - 龍のいる島 - published by Alice Kan
The 25th - 中国の古典文学 全14巻 - published by Saela Shobo
The 26th - オトシブミ - published by kaiseisha
The 27th - * No corresponding work
The 28th - はるかなる黄金帝国 - published by Obunsha
The 29th - 大どろぼうブラブラ氏 ) - published by Kodansha
The 30th - はじめてであうすうがくの絵本 全3冊 - published by Fukuinkan Shoten
The 31st - * No corresponding work
The 32nd - 日本の子どもの詩 全47巻 - published by Iwasaki Shoten
The 33rd - ちくま少年図書館 全100巻 - published by Chikuma Shobo
The 34th - りょうちゃんとさとちゃんのおはなし 全5巻 - published by Dainippon Tosho
The 35th - 植物の研究・植物たちの富士登山 - published by Akane Shobo