Sakura Quest

Sakura Quest is a 25-episode Japanese anime television series produced by P.A.Works and directed by Soichi Masui. It aired from April 5 to September 20, 2017. The anime is described as part of P.A. Works' "working series", which tells the stories about people and their jobs, after Hanasaku Iroha and Shirobako.


Yoshino Koharu is a young woman looking for a job in Tokyo but is only met with a series of rejections. However, she has a seemingly lucky break when she receives a job offer to work with the tourism board of the economically struggling Manoyama village as their "Queen". With no other choice, Yoshino accepts the offer and travels to Manoyama only to find out that she was hired based on a case of mistaken identity and that her contract term is for one year instead of the one day, as she had initially thought. With nowhere else to go, Yoshino reluctantly becomes Queen of Manoyama.


;Yoshino Koharu
;Shiori Shinomiya
;Maki Midorikawa
;Ririko Oribe
;Sanae Kōzuki
;Ushimatsu Kadota
;Chitose Oribe
;Mr. Sandal
;Erika Suzuki

Broadcast and distribution

Sakura Quest is directed by Soichi Masui and produced by P.A.Works. It ran for 25 episodes and it aired in Japan from April 5 to September 20, 2017 on Tokyo MX, with further broadcasts on ABC, AT-X, BS11, and Tulip TV. Alexandre S. D. Celibidache is credited with the original work, and the screenplay was written by Masahiro Yokotani. Kanami Sekiguchi based the character design used in the anime on Bunbun's original designs. The music is produced by the band NoW_NAME, who also perform the opening and ending themes. The first opening theme is "Morning Glory" and the first ending theme is "Freesia". The second opening theme is "Lupinus" and the second ending theme is "Baby's Breath". The anime is licensed by Funimation in North America with an English dub, and the series was streamed by Crunchyroll with English subtitles.