Sakhi for South Asian Women

Sakhi for South Asian Women is an anti-domestic violence organization that works with the South Asian community in the New York metropolitan area.


The organization was founded in 1989 by Anannya Bhattacharjee, Mallika Dutt, Tula Goenka, Geetanjali Misra and Romita Shetty. Sakhi means "woman friend."
Sakhi celebrated their 40th anniversary at the 2019 Women's March.


The organization is the second-oldest organization in the United States that is created for South Asian women. Since it was founded, Sakhi has helped more than 10,000 people experiencing violence. The organization also works with the South Asian immigrant community in New York City to prevent abuse. Sakhi, as an organization believes that it is important to not only advocate for women's safety, but also for their civil rights.
Sakhi holds an annual benefit dinner in New York called "Celebrating Women's Lives." The dinner is both a fund-raiser and also a way to inform others about violence against women.