Sacred Cows

Sacred Cows, subtitled "The Songs That Helped Us," is an album featuring the rock band The Swirling Eddies, performing their own less-than-serious versions of popular CCM hits, released in 1996 on StarSong.
The basic plan for the record was to get the Eddies into a studio to record their own versions of some of the day's top CCM hits. The disc starts off with The Eddies version of the DeGarmo & Key song "God Good, Devil Bad," which finds Camarillo singing as if he's just received a severe blow to the head. Towards the end of the song, Camarillo adds his own touches to the lyrics including the lines "Knife Sharp, Spoon Dull" and "Sun Hot, Snow Cold."
Next up on the chopping block is Amy Grant's early 1990s hit "Baby Baby." The Eddies perform the song as if they're performing it during karaoke night at the local Ramada. Dc Talk's "I Luv Rap Music" sounds as though it's performed by a cheesy lounge act. In order to hit the girlishly high vocals of Stryper's "Sing A Long Song," The Eddies actually slowed the tape down and recorded the song at that speed. Then, once the tape was sped back up to the regular speed, Camarillo ends up sounding like a long lost Sweet brother on steroids.
The reaction to the album was mixed. Some fans loved it, others absolutely hated it and returned their CDs smashed into tiny pieces. Some tracks, like the Eddies cover of DC Talk's "I Luv Rap Music" found a considerable amount of radio play in various markets. Reactions from the songs' original artists were generally positive. Eddie DeGarmo commented about how he knew that D&K should never have recorded "God Good, Devil Bad". Amy Grant later referenced the album jokingly in a video tribute to Terry Taylor which was played before a Lost Dogs concert in Chatsworth, California.

Track listing

  1. "God Good, Devil Bad"
  2. "Baby Baby"
  3. "Satan, Bite the Dust"
  4. "Not For Me"
  5. "I Luv Rap Music"
  6. "Convertibles"
  7. "I Use the J Word"
  8. "Alcatraz"
  9. "Big House"
  10. "Sing Along Song"
