Sabanilla District, Montes de Oca

Sabanilla is a district in Montes de Oca Canton, Costa Rica.


Sabanilla comes from the root word sabana, which translates as savanna and the diminutive suffix -illa, therefore the meaning becomes little savanna, a small area without a thick tree canopy.


By the end of the 19th century, finishes the construction of the Iglesia San Ramón Nonato, it was a work promoted by a visit to the coffee producing town by Monsignor Bernardo Augusto Thiel, second bishop of Costa Rica between 1880 and 1991.
On August 2, 1915, the Montes de Oca canton is founded by law decree 45, under the Alfredo González Flores administration.
On April 24, 1977, Franz Hinkelammert established in Sabanilla the Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones, which is visited annually by many liberation theologians and communitary culture workers from all the Latin American region.


As of 2016, there is a population of 13560 inhabitants, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Census of Costa Rica.


There are many residential projects completed: