SMK Taman Seraya

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Seraya is a secondary school located in Selangor, Malaysia. It was established in 1989. The school moved to its current location in November, 1998. When first opened, the school had 212 students and eight teachers and operated between 13:15 and 18:41 each day. The first principal was Encik Bisri bin Singat.
The school is made up of four separate blocks. The fourth block was constructed beginning in 1994 and opened for use in 1998.
The PMR exam started on September 1991. SMKTS achieved a 78.8% pass rate.
In 1997, the school was renamed Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Seraya and in 1998, it was upgraded from Grade C to Grade A.

House System

Sport houses in SMKTS are named Alfa, Beta, Gama and Sigma, all based on the Greek Alphabet.
Sport HouseColour
