S6G reactor

The S6G reactor is a naval reactor used by the United States Navy to provide electricity generation and propulsion on attack submarines. The S6G designation stands for:
This nuclear reactor was designed by General Electric for use on the attack submarines. The S6G reactor plant consists of the reactor coolant, steam generation, and other support systems that supply steam to the engine room. The S6G is a 165 megawatt reactor driving two 26 MW steam turbines.
The Los Angeles-class engine room also contains the steam turbines that generate electricity and drive the propeller shaft. While exact specifications are classified, the S6G reactor can propel a Los Angeles-class submarine at over when surfaced and over while submerged.
Design and operational support for the S6G is provided by Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. The S6G reactor plant was originally designed to use the D1G-2 core, similar to the D2G reactor used on the guided missile cruiser. All Los Angeles-class submarines from on were built with a D2W core. The D1G-2 cores are being replaced with D2W cores when the boats are refueled.